Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Our Fertility Struggle

Wow! I can't believe I finally started a Blog! Long over due.  Just wanted to keep our friends and family updated on what is going on with Tyler and I.
As many of you know Tyler and I have been trying to conceive for the past 5+ years. I have found lately that it has really helped to talk about it rather than keep it a secret. It's nice to have support from the people I love and care about and find others who can relate to our same situation. I know that others have really helped me and I have been able to touch other lives by sharing my story with them. Before Tyler and I were married I expressed to him my concerns about being able to start a family. I have always felt like it would be a challenge in my life but never thought it would come to the tough decisions that we have had to make. Let alone the roller coaster of emotions involved with all of the procedures, surgeries and doctor hunting. Tyler has always been very supportive of whatever I have felt most comfortable with, and only wants me to go through whatever I can handle. He has never pushed me one way or another and, even though he would like to have kids, he has always told me that as long as he has me he has all he will ever need! I feel very lucky to know that whatever may happen in the end, at least I still have my eternal companion to share this life with and to help make me a better person! I am so blessed to have him as we go through this trial together. We have gotten to the point of finally deciding that we want to do IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). We just started the shot routine last night and plan to do the egg retrieval next week sometime (depending on how my body responds to the medications).
We would like to invite family and friends to join us in a fast this Sunday Nov. 2nd. We are really hoping that things will go smoothly and that I will get some fantastic eggs and extraordinary embryos! I feel weird asking this of everyone, but know that God has been with us all along and more prayers in our behalf can only make this better for us! We appreciate any and all love and support during this hard time.